Catholic Assimilation in USA (Blog Post #1)

For my paper, I plan to write about the wave of Catholic immigration into the United States, particularly by the Irish people. As the potato famine drove the Irish out of Ireland, the Irish came to the United States but faced much discrimination for being socially different from those already living there.

In the 1850s Catholics made up 5% of the population, and by 1906, they made up a good 17% of the population, so assimilation was definitely difficult.

As for information, I performed a google search and read through a few of the first links, such as from the National Humanity Organization. Aside from using Google, I will also search through scholarly articles on Google Scholar and on the USC Library portal for more information on Catholic Assimilation.

2 thoughts on “Catholic Assimilation in USA (Blog Post #1)

  1. I had no idea how small of a percentage the Irish population truly was in 1906. And with that I think that you can show your readers just how hard it was to assimilate. Maybe talk about why the Irish chose to come to America and not somewhere else. And if possible try to find a first hand experience, it will help make your argument more relatable and believable.


  2. I am actually surprised at the statistics you presented about the percentage of Catholics in the population. I thought that by that time there was a significantly higher number of Catholics in the United States. It will be interesting to look into how the Irish have fared within the increase in Catholicism in the United States in general. What do you think poses a greater obstacle to assimilation for them–their ethnic or religious identity?


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